to Valentina Serova
Don't be angry if I write
Only just from time to time,
Writing now, and then again,
Waiting till another time.
Letters come in many forms:
Some are sick and some are sad,
Brilliant just occasionally,
Far more often very bad.
Letters leave a lot unsaid,
Often are not understood,
Seem to mean more than they do,
Fail to mention what they should.
If I live, you will not need
Letters, you will have the man.
If I die, to read my words
May be more than sorrow can.
When you travel, you will not
Heavy trolleys need to trundle.
They will fit into your bag,
Folded in a slender bundle.
When you're married, comes a time,
When you need a little cry -
You can quickly reach them down
And as swiftly put them by.
When you've locked the bedroom door,
Kept them from his jealous gaze,
Spare a kind and grateful thought
For your lover's lazy ways.
Say "It's better that he wrote
Only just from time to time,
Writing now, and then again,
Waiting till another time."
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